Beauty Tip of The Week: Stage Makeup

Hi everyone! I haven’t posted in  more than a year! That’s craziness. But I’m back.

I am currently in the production, Fiddler on The Roof as a chorus member . I love theater more than anything and my dream is to feel the shining lights of a Broadway stage on my face. My dream role is Glinda from Wicked. Anyway, if you have done a show before, you know that the bright lights make you look very pale and make your features kind of disapear to the audience. This is why stage makeup is important.  I don’t know that much about makeup, but I hope these tips help you. This is how I do it on show nights, and it works! If you have any extra tips, or corrections for me, please comment!

Before The Show

I always do my skin makeup first. I call this stage zero, for no other reason that it strangely makes sense to me. I always do my hair before my makeup, but I usually put my costume on after so that my makeup doesn’t get on my costume. First, I put my liquid on. Make sure you use a brush to see that it is even. My liquid is a little darker than my skin so that I don’t look washed out onstage. If it ever looks too dark or orange and you don’t have time to get a new one, just fix it with powder! Talking about powder, put it over your liquid! It will even everything out and make your skin look great onstage. I personally use my powder to do a little contouring/highlighting. I actually used this picture a lot when  I was learning. I don’t have the fancy stuff though,so I just use powder. images

Next, blush is vital onstage. You really do need quite a lot of it. To know where it goes, make a fish face/duck face and you follow the line of your cheek (diagonal from the side of your lip up to your hairline).

Second, EYE MAKEUP! I put pencil eyeliner underneath my eye on my waterline. Next, I use my liquid eyeliner on the top of my eye. For my particular show, we are not supposed to do winged eyeliner. After that, I put on bronze eyeshadow on. My final step for eye makeup is, of course, mascara! I put this on last because my long eyelashes get in the way if I put it on before. My eye makeup stays the same throughout the whole show!

Third, eyebrows. I don’t spend too much time on my eyebrows. I just fill them in, and shape them with an eyebrow brush, and VOILA! They also stay the same throughout the whole show.

Lastly, lipstick. I use a darkish lipliner, then fill my lips in with a dark red lipstick. I change my lipstick a few times during the show.

Zombie Scene

This is the first scene that I change my makeup because I turn into a zombie.

Skin: I make big dark circles around my eyes to appear like a zombie.

Lips: I use black lipliner to outline my lips, then do an ombre from the outside (darkest) to the middle (redest).

Wedding Scene

After the zombie scene I have a fast costume change for the wedding scene, especially to take off all the zombie makeup.

Skin: baby wipes are my best friend. I quickly take off the black circles under my eyes. Then, I quickly re-do my makeup underneath my eyes.

Lips :take off my dark/black lipstick and replace it with ultra-bright red lipstick!

Anatevka (Final Scene)

Lips: replace my bright red lipstick with a darker lipstick.



Beauty Tip Of The Week: Looking Good After PE

A lot of girls hate PE because they’re afraid of looking bad after it. Those girls just need a couple of tips.

First, these are the must-haves for your PE locker.

– Baby wipes. They are so amazing for after PE when you are sweaty and just need to cool down. Wipe your face, your smudged makeup (this is why waterproof makeup exists), the back of your neck, your hands, and feet if you need to.

– Deodorant. We all know why.

– Sweet-smelling perfume. With deodorant and perfume, you WILL be smelling good after PE. Be careful to pick the right ones though, you don’t want the two smells to clash.

-Hairbrush. Don’t think that you can get away without a hairbrush, especially if you have long hair. Brushes are essential after your hair has had a workout.

– Hair ties. They are super important and have many uses. For example, tying your too-baggy t-shirt, putting your hair up, etc.

-Makeup. Once you get out of PE, there is a good chance your lipgloss came off, and your mascara smudged. You can fix this by keeping lipgloss or lipstick in your locker,  having baby wipes to take the smudge away, and keep extra mascara in your locker. I personally don’t keep mascara in my locker because I wear waterproof, but if you don’t, it may be a good idea.

Now, here are a couple of tips:

– Fold you day-time clothes in your locker so that they won’t be creased when you put them on again.

-Put your shoes on the bottom (duh) so that they don’t get your other stuff dirty.

-Keep you locker organized!

I hope this helped!

Beauty Tip Of The Week: Revlon Gel Envy

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Revlon Gel Envy is a great product, especially for weak nails. It’s cheap (for gel nail polish) and it has many great colors to choose from.  Some of them are navy blue, yellow and brown. They are total must-haves for nail polish, even though are a little out there, and not your usual colors. They really stand out though. I didn’t find any pictures of brown Revlon Gel Envy, but the kind of brown above is really in right now. Plus, it’s the BEST color this year for BTS. The cheapest I found for this product was Walmart at around $5.

PS: Don’t forget the top coat! It works miracles!

Warm Up Your Voice!

As you may already know, I love singing sooooooooooooooooo…. much. Here are a few tips to warm up your singing voice.

• Don’t be afraid of your voice! Even the best singers warm ups sound horrible, but their key is that they give it all they’ve got even when it does sound like a dying cat. If you sound bad, you’re doing it right. Soon, that part that used to sound horrible will sound good if you practice enough.☺️

• Practice singing in your head voice and your chest voice. If you don’t know what that is try to look it up (although it can be kind of confusing). Even if you think that you won’t be singing in a certain voice, it’s still important to be good at both.

• Sing leeeggggaaaaatttttoooooooo (long and smooth) and s t a c c a t t o ( short and choppy)

• Go up and down the scale getting as low as you can and as high as you can (don’t forget to switch to your head voice and chest voice)

Thank you and I hope this helped!!!!

Back To School!

Come on everyone let’s be positive! Even though you may not want to go back to school, (like me) focus on the positive things, like friends, new classes, and … lockers. I don’t know about you but I love my locker. I love decorating it and organizing it. Here is an inspiration for your new locker made by me!image

Beauty Tip Of The Week: Insta-Glam Hair

Okay, so first of all I said I would do The Tip Of The Week every Sunday and look how that turned out. I knew I wouldn’t keep my promise for long😉🙀. So, I know today is Monday but since I missed doing it for about two weeks I shall do one today.

Beauty Tip: I have discovered a new hairstyle that I loooooove. It’s super easy and super cute. It is basically just a curly high ponytail. All you need to do is put your hair in a tight and sleek looking high ponytail. From there you just need to take strands of your hair and curl each one. Bigger strands will create a more laid back look and smaller strands will create a much more curly hair style (please note that big strands will not be as curly as small strands.)

You may also ask why I suggested a tightly pulled back ponytail with curly hair. That is because it creates a great contrast between sleek and tight, and laid-back and curly. With that said it also looks great with a messy ponytail.

I love this look because it honestly looks like you put lots of time into doing your hair when you obviously haven’t. The other perk is that you can wear it anywhere anytime. It is so out of your face which is great for school also.

Here are a few pictures of this look from the internet that I retouched a little. I hope this helped!

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Check out my brother’s blog! Click on the link! DO IT!

Finlay’s Flabbergasting Blog

Regardez sur le blog de mon frère! Clique sur l’écriture bleu/vert! Fais le!!!!

In other news, another of my BFFs just got a blog and it’s amazing and fabulous!!!!!! Check it out by clicking on this link: You won’t regret it.

Regardez le blog d’une de mes meilleures amis. Clique sur l’écriture bleu/vert. Tu ne vas pas le regretter.

Beauty Tip Of The Week: Sun In

I wanted to lighten my hair and make it blonder so I found this really cheap product that lighens your hair (I’m talking really cheap) and decided to try it out. I tried some on my hair today and it worked greatly. If you would like to try this please consider putting a little bit on at a time to ensure that you don’t put too much on. This was a very easy process and all the instructions are on the back. Please consider this if you want to bleach your hair.